Jeri Kim
On October 6th, 2020, we were lucky enough to have Mason Spector, co-founder of Madhappy to come in to speak for our Mental Health Awareness Week. Madhappy is a mission-driven label powered by optimism. This clothing brand not only focuses on its products but heavily emphasizes its mission on mental health. Recently, the team has also created The Local Optimist, a platform where people could talk freely about mental health while also providing resources for support.
Mason began his panel about his personal and professional journey towards where he is right now. He described himself as a “misunderstood” and “sad” kid who had so much going on his life since a child, from divorces to moving around, and even had a period where he was hooked on drugs and alcohol. Eventually, he went to Indiana University but dropped out immediately after the first semester to go back home to LA and attend a community college. Academics never seemed to be his fit— he moved into the fashion industry, as it was the most accessible for him. With him and his friend Noah Raf, they started a company called “Us by Mason and Noah.” The two were hungry to express themselves through fashion, even though they had never had any experience in designing or whatsoever. Although this company experienced a little bit of success, in the end, they had to shut it down. Mason opened up to us that this caused him to suffer more from depression and started spiraling down until one day he just randomly thought of the word “madhappy”.
Mason and Noah launched this new brand “Madhappy” with a different intention than they previously had. They went in with the intention to start as “organic” and original. They weren’t scared to have fun with their creative side. With the overall concept of streetwear, they wanted Madhappy to be a more comfortable and open environment, as opposed to the existing streetwear brands that seemed more closed and exclusive to certain people. Madhappy was meant to be cool, unique, and inclusive where the doors were open for anyone. The team wasn’t scared to ask for help when they needed to. With this idea in mind and two other business partners who were able to lead the business side of the brand, they launched the brand. Mason mentions that he and his team wanted to build a community through the brand, which led to opening up popup stores in the beginning, having panels on mental health, but overall, their main objective was to spread their mission of mental health.
Mason also touched based on what responsibilities the fashion industries have to have such discussions and movements on mental health. He explains how Madhappy does not operate on the typical fashion calendar which has S/S and F/W drops. Instead, they drop whenever they want to, without the pressure to show numerous products. By having the power to produce themselves, they have more control of their own brand and their vision, where they do not have to be pressured to compromise with others. He advises that consumers are getting a lot smarter now— they are becoming more conscious of everything as the brands these consumers wear are now representing who they are as a person. What causes the brand’s support and what the consumers stand for is shown through the clothes. He advises that brands have to be aware of this aspect.
As Madhappy and The Local Optimist is heavily dependent on social media, Mason also explains the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health. Although it depends on each case, he emphasizes that we should be confident about ourselves— to really know ourselves and to best honest with ourselves on social media.
Focusing more on the mental health aspect, Mason touches base on Madhappy’s mental health awareness platform, The Local Optimist. His team wanted to establish something that was just mental health-focused— an end all be all mental health resources. This platform isn’t to promote any products, but rather just education and resource-based on mental health. Mason, as an individual who went through a lot of mental health problems, wanted to open up about his personal experience through this platform and show how he got through his personal life. He, quote on quote, says it “makes him feel good to share his experience as it helps other people to have a positive experience.”
In the remaining of the panel, Mason explains more of the Madhappy product development and concept ideas. One great advice that still sticks to me from the panel is to not regret anything from the past, but rather think about the present and the future. We may learn from our past mistakes and grow as a better person, but once we start regretting our past, we are being hindered in the past and not moving forward. He also advises students, especially those who are looking to start their own companies, to think about what we want to be represented as. We shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help (in both aspects of fashion and mental health); no one is perfect.
Overall, this panel has personally made me think about my own life. As a person who hates to be behind anything (academics and social life), I usually find myself in a position where I find it hard to reach out to people for help. Mason Spector’s advice throughout this panel not only made me think about who I am as a person but also how I think about myself. Like his brand Madhappy, I hope there is a point in life for everyone where we do not only think about the actions we do (like the products they create) but also to think about who we are as a person and what we represent (like the mission of mental health for Madhappy and representing such values).
Ona Carranza
Utibe Mbagwu, from Glossier, started off Mental Health Awareness Weak to discuss her experiences with social media and its impact. She is a social media manager, writer, content producer, and strategist for Into The Gloss and Glossier.
“I’m Nigerian-American... those intersections of identities made me look at the world and work in a very specific and unique way..” Her talk began with a discussion about her identity and how it plays a large role in her profession. On college campuses’, with an abundance of multiracial individuals, this was something many can relate to. Personally, having two diverse backgrounds and intertwining them has driven my passion and desire to work in a creative field.
Furthermore, Utibe Mbagwu recently created Behind the Screens which is a panel that centers around people of color, including from New York magazine and PAPER. This organization was able to form a community for content creators or editors of color. Within the social media world, which is driven by looks and internet presence, Instagram models and accounts struggle with maintaining diversity. There is a strong need for organizations that strive to celebrate cultural differences.
Also, Utibe offered advice in the professional setting, something prevalent to college students. While working for established companies with a big following can be helpful to add to a Resumé, finding smaller companies that fit your skillset can end up be more rewarding or have more to learn from. With smaller startups, interns are given more responsibilities. Additionally, this can show the impact of little tasks. Most students could agree that hearing from a successful young person, especially during such a tense time, instilled confidence and hope in my future. With COVID, it can be hard to remember goals and to stay on track. Mental Health Awareness weak came at an ideal time.